Day1 at #wsai18 is a wrap. Highlights for me today were the two talks before lunch from Cassie Kozyrkov from Google on ‘towards a responsible future’ aka Decision Intelligence and from Patricia Florissi from Dell on ‘How are emerging technologies fuelling digital transformation’. I hope both were video recorded so I can share the links!
Cassie’s talk on Decision Intelligence – Applied AI, machine learning, statistics and analytics for solving business problems – explained that currently most AI education is focussed on research. Which is great but we also need Applied AI. She made a nice analogy with microwaves versus chefs; Researchers make microwaves. But if you have a restaurant you don’t need people that can make microwaves, you need chefs that can cook. Further testing is key; when you have a choice between getting in a spaceship, would you get in the one that has crashed many times (but no idea how it works) and has now proven to fly, or in one where we in theorie know exactly how everything works but has never actually flown? Right..
And for designing these test for Applied AI we need skilled leaders to lead the team and organisation in the right direction.
Justus Sturkenboom published a great summary on twitter:

And here’s the full video
Patricia did a great job explaining complexity of data in a world that is going from data warehouses to lots of warehouses with data. The secret: tagging 🙂
Missed it? Check youtube for videos or the event website https://worldsummit.ai