IMD tweet

Looks aren’t everything… how does your workplace feel?

03/06/2021The Institute for Management Development (IMD) Business School Dean David Bach interviewed me about “how to build an inclusive workplace?” for their HR series in light of pride month. Original interview here —- Equity, Inclusion & Diversity is a space in a constant state of evolution, says co-founder of Workplace Pride, the international platform for LGBTQ+ …

wennovate event announcement

GenderFreeTech the momentum to mitigate biases in AI

02/06/21 Today at 10:35 I’m speaking at conference about “GenderFreeTech the momentum to mitigate biases in AI”.Why are all voice devices female? Is it necessary for technology to have a gender? Does gender-specific technology affect our perception of women and gender equality? This keynote will address the boiling hot topic of #GenderFreeTech and how …

toezicht op ai en algoritmen

Toezicht op AI, Algoritmen en Digital Humans

21/05 Begin mei heb ik de leergang board potentials bij het Nationaal Register afgerond. Voor mijn eindopdracht heb ik onderzoek gedaan naar de vraag “is er voldoende kennis op board niveau (RVB, RVC, RVT) als het gaat om toezicht op kunstmatige intelligentie (AI), algoritmen en digital humans”. De conclusie was dat dit nog niet het …

Where to find me

01/03/2021 Here’s an overview of where to join me in the conversation about #GenderFreeTech, #InclusiveTech, #AI Ethics and Making Digital Technology Work For YOU: March 2021 01 – 20:30 CET Co-host DIVA Magazine Talks on clubhouse 02 – 20:00 CET Women in Voice Global. On a panel with Renee Cummings and Kesha Williams. Tickets via …

getting ready to speak changeX

Inclusive tech, (how) is that possible?

18/02/2021 Tonight I had the privilege to speak ChangeX about “Inclusive Tech, (how is that possible). The talk was in dutch but my slides are in english so everyone can view them. Volgens The Institute For the Future gaan we een tijdperk tegemoet van Human-Machine Partnership, een tijd waar in mens en AI steeds meer …

The (non)sense of gender-free in conversational AI

20/01/2021(Why) should technology have a gender? Why are all voice devices female? Is that actually a bad thing? And what does this do to/for how we perceive women and gender equality? Is this making an improving for all of us or should we be concerned about something? On 20 January I gave a presentation at …


12/09/2019 Vanmorgen leuk gesprek gehad met Yvonne Haneman van Ground8 over o.a. “All inclusive wijk” en regionale netwerken mbt zorg (ziekenhuizen, gemeenten, wijk etc) en hoe we met design thinking sessie aanpak daar op een leuke en concrete manier handen en voeten aan kunnen geven. Wordt vervolgt! Wil je meer weten over het model op …

Bij BNR op de radio

29/07/2019 Ik mocht vanmorgen namens Workplace Pride meepraten over diversiteit op de werkvloer nav de business pride conference vanmiddag. Was een leuk gesprek samen met Nathalie Nijhuis-Lam en Stephan Horn Uitzending gemist? Hier is de podcast van de uitzending

Lesbian* Visibility

I’ll be speaking on lesbian* visibility at a number of events this year. As part of that (and also inspired by being at the ELC) I’m gathering input on Lesbian Visibility which I hope to share here on and off. As I like to plan ahead I have also claimed the domain. Goal is …

Love from Kiev

15/04/2019 From 11- 14 april I was in Kiev for the European Lesbian Conference where I facilitated a workshop session on lesbian economics together with Marta from LesWorking and Jana from Fulcrum. On the Thursday before I facilitated the European Lesbian Business Roundtable at the Dutch embassy on behalf of Workplace Pride Foundation. Together with …

Digitale tools veranderen recruitment

17/10/2018 Vandaag lag ‘ie op de deurmat: de nieuwe EYE on Finance van EY waarin ik geïnterviewd ben over digital tools (chatbots) en de impact op o.a. recruitment en waarom diversiteit daarbij zo’n belangrijke rol speelt. Ik ben erg voor digitale technologie die dingen makkelijker voor je maakt. Belangrijk daarbij is wel dat die tools …

painting of Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace Day

09/10/2018 For those who think there are only male programmers: Lets start with a lesson in bias: Bias: expectations derived from experience regularities in the world. Knowing what programmer means, including that most are male. Stereotypes: biases based on regularities we do not wish to persist. Knowing that (most) programmes are male. Prejudice: action on …

tech at workplace pride invite, showing a rainbow coloured brain and logos from the participating organisations

Tech at Workplace Pride Brainport Edition

04/10/2018 After months of preparations with a handful of volunteers we put together an great event today learning and sharing about LGBTI diversity and tech in the Eindhoven Brainport area. We had a great mix of participants and speakers among others from TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, ASML, IBM, Philips, Workplace Pride, Brainport, and many many others. …